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Going Green This Week

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Nigeria’s environmental challenges are evolving into a vulnerability experience beyond the measurement of environmental indicators. Emerging issues from food security challenges; poor agricultural capacity; poverty; exposed living settlements; unsustainable loan hubs and the less dynamic roles of government; and citizens’ participation in environment issues; are part of the stories of Nigeria’s estimated population of 200 million people.

Nigeria’s constitutional commitment necessitates the development of purposeful participation of government and citizens’ action in building new sustainability experience. A sustainable means of living through 'Going Green', a collection of deliberate positive action for the environment.

Our celebration theme 'Going Green' will have environmental policy advocates debate on reforms and the road ahead in generating positive action for the environment requiring government and citizen participation. The Nigeria Info week-long event will award volunteers of 'Clean Up Abuja' for contributing towards a clean, sustainable and healthy environment.

The Schedule

Wednesday - 1-2pm
Awards for Clean Up Abuja Volunteers on Sunny Side

Thursday -  All day
Music / Spoken Word

Friday - 8.15-8.45am
User Generated Content (videos) on Going Green (MCF)  

Sunday - 4-7pm
Football Match with Diplomatic Community

Going Green - Nigeria's environmental policy and necessary reforms for the citizen's action