Owo killings: CAN Youth Wing Declares Three-Day Mourning

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The youth wing of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has declared three days of mourning over the killing of worshippers in Ondo State.

A statement issued Sunday by its National Chairman, Belusochukwu Enwere, said the wing received the attack on St. Francis Church, Owo, with rude shock.

“We are devastated, the nation is bleeding. This is evil, wicked and a monstrous act,” it said.

Mr. Enwere called on all Christian youths in Nigeria to observe the three-day mourning and pray for the souls of those killed and the total recovery of those injured.

Over 35 people are believed to have died after gunmen laid siege on the church during Sunday service and shot at worshippers.

Attack Unacceptable and Satanic

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has in the meantime described the fatal attack on worshippers as “unacceptable and satanic.”

This association’s condemnation is contained in a statement by Pastor Adebayo Oladeji, the Media Assistant to the CAN President, Rev. Samson Ayokunle, issued Sunday in Abuja.

It called on security agencies to quickly apprehend the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

CAN also called for an overhaul of Nigeria’s security architecture and the stoppage of the de-radicalisation programme for former insurgents.

CAN believes the programme only recycles the terrorists to commit more harm.


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