Port-Harcourt Stampede: Assessment Begins

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The Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development, Sadiya Umar Farouq says assessment into last weekend’s stampede in Rivers State has begun.

The Minister made this known in a statement through her Special Assistant on Media, Nneka Anibeze.

“Immediately we heard of the stampede, NEMA swung into action through the state SEMA and other immediate respondents including the police to rescue the injured and those trapped in the stampede,’’ the statement read.

She added that “Efforts are being made to immediately provide relief for the injured after NEMA’s assessment.’’

The Minister also commiserated with the people of Rivers State on the incident while thanking the rescue agencies who assisted at the stampede site.

Last Saturday, scores of persons reportedly died and many others were injured during a stampede at a church programme in Port-Harcourt, Rivers State.


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