YIAGA Africa Seeks Prosecution of PVC Buyers

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YIAGA Africa is calling for the investigation of reported cases of PVC-buying.

The non-governmental organization also wants the speedy prosecution of the culprits.

This is coming after the Independent National Electoral Commission’s recent allegation that some politicians were buying PVCs from poor Nigerians.

The accusation has been confirmed by Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP).

The Executive Director of YIAGA Africa, Samson Itodo who was a guest on Nigeria Info’s “The Newsroom” urged security agencies to ensure that the politicians and other sponsors of electoral crimes and human rights violations are named and shamed, regardless of their political affiliations.

He said the purchase of a PVC is a crime and that the prosecution of those engaging in it will go a long way to serve as a deterrent to others.

“These things are happening but we have not seen anyone prosecuted for buying PVCs,” he said.

“So, we hope that security agencies will investigate.

“Not just investigate, but also prosecute people, so it serves as a deterrent to politicians who want to buy PVCs off people and deprive them of their right to vote.”

Mr. Itodo further warned the public to desist from selling their power to hold public officeholders accountable for their actions.

“There are people who don’t know that their PVC is their power, there are people who think it is right and there is nothing wrong in selling their PVCs.

“For everyone out there, it is a criminal offense in the law to sell your PVC,” he said.

The YIAGA Africa chief warned Nigerians to stop selling their future for money that would be unable to take them through the four years the politician would be in office.

“If you are selling your PVCs because of the small money politicians are providing you, it will only help you for a few hours, and after that, you are back to this misery, this horrible life of insecurity, of bad governance, lack of jobs and a weak economy.”


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