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  • Morning Crossfire

    Wake up with for your morning chit chat, a look at the day's newspaper headlines with Dailies Today and the latest sports news

  • Sunny Side

    Swat Duniah brings you conversations on issues of human interest and experiences. It’s discussions on all social and trending occurrence that affect a large number of people. It congregates the wisdom of the crowd on subjects of discussion.

  • Hard Facts

    Hard Facts is an intense current affairs conversation based on facts as the biggest factor in trustworthy and passionate discussions across Nigeria. It draws compelling insight from the analysis of news stories and provides actualities of how the news happened.

  • Football Frenzy

    The A-Team hosts 3 hours of football-focused conversation with live updates, intensive fans engagement, match analysis and live Interviews.

  • Tonight with...

    Seth brings you a recap on the day’s big stories, social issues and explores human connections on issues of interest.

  • Let's Talk


  • Abuja Weather

    Thunder storm

    High: 25°C | Low: 20°C