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1:00am - 6:00am

Insecurity: Nigerian Military Subordinate to Political Class -Rtd. Naval Chief

The efforts of the Nigerian military in combating banditry in the country have suffered long-standing criticisms for its irreplaceable losses at war.

In recent times, it has largely seen its commitment questioned, strategy ridiculed, and overall ability underrated. 

Yes, there have been wins.

Future victories could, however, be eroded by a number of hindrances. 

Those impediments - if ever hidden - have been brought to the light by a former Commodore of the Nigerian Navy. 

Kunle Olawunmi has hit out at the setup of the Nigerian military.  

Speaking with Joyce Onyemuwa on the Sunny Side, he disclosed the three major areas within the force that needs readdressing. 

"It is not going to be as straightforward as you look at it," he began. 

"The recruitment process is faulty, the promotion is faulty, and the strategic appointments; that is where the problem is."

When further pressed on the increase in banditry and terrorism in the country, the former security chief termed the government's effort in combatting them as "partisan."

Referencing comments from former Head of State, General Sani Abacha, the ex-Commodore also believes "the military as it is set up can't do much except its “superiors" -the political class - show willingness."

He explains more in the video.



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