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Police kill Two Robbery Suspects in Benin City

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The Police Command in Edo State said its officers killed two suspected armed robbers on Sunday.

The suspects were part of a gang that attacked a fuel station in Benin City in the early hours of Sunday, according to the Command’s Deputy Spokesperson, Jennifer Iwegbu.

“The armed robbers were trailed to a different location where they were carrying out another armed robbery operation.

“On sighting the team of security operatives, the armed robbers opened fire on them which led to a gun duel.

“In the process, the superior firepower of the security operatives hit two of the armed robbers while others escaped with various degrees of bullet injury.

“The two suspected armed robbers were taken to the Police Cottage Hospital in Benin City where they were confirmed dead by the doctor and their bodies deposited at the mortuary,” she said.

The police spokesperson said one locally-made pistol and three live cartridges were recovered.


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