Senate Confirms Seven Ministerial Nominees

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Nigerian Senate chamber

The Senate has confirmed seven persons nominated as ministers by President Muhammadu Buhari.

The nominees were confirmed Wednesday after their screening by lawmakers during plenary.

The ministers-designate are:

  • Henry Ikoh (Abia)
  • Umana Okon Umana (Akwa Ibom)
  • Ekumankama Nkama (Ebonyi)
  • Goodluck Opiah (Imo)
  • Umar El-Yakub (Kano)
  • Ademola Adegoroye (Ondo)
  • and Odum Udi (Rivers)

President Buhari had in a letter dated June 15 requested the Senate to confirm the seven nominees, in line with Section 147(2) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, as amended.

They will replace the ministers who resigned in May to contest in the primaries of the All Progressives Congress (APC) for elective positions.


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