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Terrorists Abduct 50 in Niger Community

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Gunmen have kidnapped 50 people in an attack on Kuchi village in Niger State.

According to the convener of Concerned Shiroro Youths in Niger, Yusuf Kokki, the attackers invaded the village around 2 am on Friday.

Mr. Kokki said the gunmen came while it was raining, going from house to house as they seized people.

Nobody was killed.

He said the gunmen were trapped with the abducted persons at the Dangunu river due to the overflow of water from the heavy rainfall.

Mr. Kokki asked the government to mobilize security operatives to the village to arrest the kidnappers.

“Reinforcement is immediately needed at the moment to fiercely engage them at their exit route where they are currently stranded.

Mobilize able-bodied vigilantes to the scene. The authorities concerned should swing into action and do the needful,” he said.


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